Monday, August 18, 2008

The Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East

Welcome to the official site for the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East
For more than 150 years the Loyal Orange Association has been a National Fraternal Organization in Canada and, as the years passed, enthusiasm for its concept and principles inspired the formation of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association, the Orange Young Britons, and Junior Orange lodges.
Together they strive to ensure a continued Protestant Witness in Canada in honour of the Glorious Revolution and to perpetuate the memory of William of Orange who strove valiantly in the cause of religious freedom and democracy. All Canadians, because of Canada's evolvement through the British connection, benefit from this form of Government. Orangemen and women pledge to support it and the Protestant concept of the Christian religion. The Loyal Orange Association is Protestant, Fraternal, Patriotic and Benevolent. It is "Protestant" because its members are drawn from the ranks of like-minded people who believe that the reformed Christian Faith provides the greatest opportunity for maximum interaction between mankind and its Maker, at the same time recognizing the right of others to worship as their consciences dictate.
It is "Patriotic" because Orangemen and women stand ready, at all times, to observe and defend the Rule of Law, as expressed in the parliamentary version of democracy, with the Monarch as Head of State, God as the Origin of all Power, and the equality of all persons before the Law in precisely the way they are before God.
It is "Fraternal" in the highest sense of the word, in that its members strive to practice the love and mutual support of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood within the Order, as within a family. Members of any Branch of the Orange Family never need lack companionship, nor help, when needed, wherever they go. Nor is the concept of Brotherhood or Sisterhood exclusive - the Order teaches its members to practice Christian Charity towards all persons.
It is "Benevolent" , and the many service organizations sponsored and supported by the Order - Orange Homes for Children or Seniors; Children's Foundations; Fund Raising Campaigns for Cancer Research; the Heart Foundation; Muscular Dystrophy; Crippled Children etc. - are all the more obvious manifestations of this international family that are repeated, many times, in smaller acts of individual and personal charity.

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